Theme: Governance for Sustainability
COVID-19 has once again brought the role of governments, and their ability to cooperate and coordinate their actions into the spotlight. It has however also highlighted significant gaps in various areas including the science-policy interface; the ability of institutional mechanisms to deal with crises; in the preparedness of global and national science communities and government systems; and in access to reliable, verifiable data to inform decision making.
The consultative meetings around this topic will draw on lessons learned and experiences from the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent world-changing events like the financial crisis of 2008 to identify effective policy tools and mechanisms that would also give due credence to issues of poverty alleviation, justice, inequalities, and the environment. The goal is to suggest pathways for more robust and responsive governance systems for an uncertain future.

Chair of consultation meetings – Adebayo Olukoshi
Director for Africa and West Asia at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA); former Director of the United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP)
- Reinhard Mechler, Acting Program Director, Risk and Resilience Program, IIASA
- Anne-Sophie Stevance, Senior Science Officer, ISC
Alternative leader
- Teresa M. Deubelli, Researcher, Risk and Resilience Program, IIASA
- Jenan Irshaid, Researcher, Water, and Risk and Resilience Programs, IIASA
- JoAnne Linnerooth-Bayer, Emeritus Scholar, Risk and Resilience Program, IIASA
- John Handmer, Senior Science Advisor, Risk and Resilience Program, IIASA
- Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler, Senior Research Scholar, Risk and Resilience Program, IIASA
- Thomas Schinko, Deputy Program Director, Risk and Resilience Program, IIASA
- Anna Scolobig, Associate, Risk and Resilience Program, IIASA
- Team Assistant: Lorraine Tembo, Team Assistant, Risk and Resilience Program, IIASA